
Deutsche Telekom - New level of “Love IT to bits” platform

Fighting industry stereotypes (and not only) in the form of 16-bit gameplay? Telekom, owner of T-Mobile, is joining the battle! The brand’s new EB strategy becomes just a pretext for building an upgraded chapter of the “Love IT to bits” campaign on an even bigger scale.



Getting the candidates' attention just reached a new level. Why?

In the new “Love IT to bits” campaign version we are not only showcasing Deutsche Telekom as a company dictating technological trends, but above all as a work environment - a universe in which everyone can boldly shape their path without prejudice.

The need to upgrade the campaign begins with the upgrade of the client’s Employer Branding strategy, which was expanded to include this bold statement: "Question today, create tomorrow", and enriched with strong accents of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Our approach

The starting point was to draft a universe of the new version of the campaign - the main character -- Miss 16bit heroine, storytelling and aspects of the company's culture that we wanted to include in it.

We base the plot on the Miss 16bit’s battle against Disconnectors - small monsters, representing specific stereotypes that one can face in a workspace.

By giving candidate players a platform to "fight" against Disconnectors, we also educate them about the open culture of Deutsche Telekom.

Miss 16bit reflects the resistance to one of the most common stereotypes present in the IT area - that it’s a domain designed for men. We emphasize the company’s firm stance on this by creating a powerful, courageous heroine, fighting under the banner of Deutsche Telekom.

We created the Disconnectors using pixelated abstract figures straight from outer space (just like the prejudices they resemble), to educate in a light, unobtrusive way about various types of stereotypes around us, as well as to give players satisfaction in combating them.

The entire concept is reflected in the new landing page Here, the user can learn about the idea behind Deutsche Telekom and play three dedicated games we have created.

To foster candidate engagement, our design team created not only the main characters, but also additional graphical 'flavours' [symbols of powers and attributes] in every game.


The Disconnectors have taken over the office. By taking on the role of Miss 16bit, the player fights them with a “magenta wave” - the power of Deutsche Telekom.

This game reflects a strategy component, one of the Employer Value Propositions: STAND UP & STAND OUT. It was created as an invitation to engage in fighting stereotypes and to show that the “magenta wave” is a combination of Deutsche Telekom’s culture and its employees' courage in eliminating Disconnectors that might block career paths.


A game of matching tiles with images of Disconnectors, a bit like the Candy Crush Saga. By gathering together several alike creatures, you eliminate them from the board and score points.

This game is a reference to yet another one of Deutsche Telekom's EVPs: BE THE CATALYST.

The game’s formula demands not only a good reflex but also observation for spotting and eliminating Disconnectors, the stereotypes. By lighting the first spark, that is spotting and eliminating the Disconnectors the player initiates a change in the world. Initially only in the game world, but we hope that later also in real life.


The player’s task is to guide Miss 16bit all the way to the top of the skyscraper, avoiding the Disconnectors attacking her constantly on her way up.

The name - GrowthScraper - originates from the word ‘Growthopia’ which is another pilar of Deutsche Telekom’s EVPs. It is therefore a metaphor for professional development and increased awareness, which involves skilful avoidance of thought traps - the Disconnectors. Dynamic striving to the top, without prejudice - that is what a career at Deutsche Telekom should look like.

Congratulations, you’ve won!

In this image-building, educational campaign, we found our way to enable this difficult message to reach a wide audience. We chose a unique way to communicate EVPs using game plots and narratives.

Thus, we have somewhat dispelled the perception of Deutsche Telekom as a rigid, complicated corporate structure.

The ‘Love IT to bits’ platform is an excellent tool for developing narratives in social media, but also a medium for internal communication, consolidating healthy standards and showing fresh career prospects.

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