Is it easy to truly be yourself at work? Do we still need to divide our life between before and after 5 p.m.? In its newest spot, Performante proves that diversity and authentic personality are not only empty slogans. The message is clear: be proud of being the real you — even at work!
The campaign fits into the world’s growing HR ‘Human to Human’ (H2H) trend. As Employer Branding expert Tina Toutounchi says, it’s all about a partner style communication as well as creating an individual relationship so that a worker doesn’t have to wear any mask when entering an office. He or she can talk about his/her interests, opinions and habits enjoying full acceptance of a team and people in charge. For this person work-life balance lasts 24/7 — even at work where he/she can really share all passions with colleagues. At the same time the company attracts the most interesting personalities, helps them to develop and forms a loyal and creative team, benefiting at the same time from their out-of the-box thinking — Tina Toutounchi emphasises.
She says that her digital agency considers its workers as the best ambassadors. ‘They support us on every Employer Branding activity — even the craziest one. Well, they also want not only to work with the top specialists but build a great team, in which members fit the organizational culture. That is why employees of Performante showed their real personalities, hobbies and passions in the video. Some of them may look quite surprising — for example cosplay which is wearing costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character’ — Toutounchi explains. She added that Performante’s new members can definitely expect a real mixture of diversity and multiculturalism.
Quite an Employer Branding
The energetic video is not the only Employer Branding action that has been recently undertaken by the agency. The company has also created a Performante University — a special educational program that lets workers choose and take some interesting courses and workshops at the most prestigious institutions such as the Universities of Harvard and Berkeley.
About Performante
Performante is a digital agency present in 130 countries all over the world. It currently employs 50 employees of 8 nationalities including Polish, Brazilian, Spanish and German. As it manifesto ‘Design, scale up, predict your future” says, the company’s core activity is building comprehensive brand strategies, designing digital products and services, scaling them up and predicting their financial future based on own analytical tools.
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